What is Authentic Living ?
Authentic Awakening
Including and allowing ALL aspects of our selves,
the happy and the painful emotions and thinking,
not pushing away, denying, suppressing and abandoning any
wounded aspects of our selves...
no false masks and hidden personality traits hurting others and one self.......
Moving from Singular Identification with only your Light aspects
to Identification with ALL aspects...
Loving, accepting, healing and Integrating all fractured wounded aspects
of our selves, to become ONE Complete person again. ....
These Fractured personality aspects , Froze in Time,
at the moments of traumatic child experiences,
which the child was not able to handle emotionally...,
These aspects are still wounded child aspects, inside us, needing
our parental love and care, to be able to heal and integrate...
Sometimes the traumatic childhood experiences made aspects of the child
to leave the body completely - Lost Soul aspects,
which can stay in the auric field, around the person,
or stay in the child's abuser or parents energy field..
These Lost Soul aspects need to be called back home to the body again, after we create a Safe Haven in our Heart for them, to heal and integrate...
When the non integrated fractured aspects of Self, are allowed to be seen, get a voice, loved and the root trauma felt and changed,
then this wounded aspects integrate with our totality, into our my mature adult self, and they dont exist anymore as separate wounded aspects.
After all fractured wounded aspects are healed and integrated this way,
we automatically come back to our natural Innocent state of Oneness and Being Love..no separation...
We experience our self, others and the world, as ONE ....,
we are Complete, we are fully Integrated Light Beings.
That is Authentic Awakening